قدرت سکوت-The power of silence

A ground for the reflection of new ideas

قدرت سکوت-The power of silence

A ground for the reflection of new ideas

Spouse Challenge 23

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But whether you are in the mind or in a foresight before death The real patient killed the servant of God and even to his death Crying is completely unnatural and annoying, even if For some reason you are sure that just one more day your patient There is a chance of life. You have to control yourself and try These are the last moments of having a parent who works hard for Enjoy your stretch and enjoy being with him. Do not let it burn in your mind before death Die. Be sure to cry and be upset After his death, you will have many opportunities And do not let your imagination run wild. Let him love Touch you. Take advantage of the warmth of your being and relax Go to God We can all leave this world clean and forgiven.
The story continues

Spouse Challenge 22

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For the nursing of severe diseases and those who are able To go to the bathroom and ... are not in the vast Get a nurse. Because in old age such a nurse Being sick is deadly. Especially ladies in this They may feel more responsible, but They should know that they have to take care of themselves. Next to the patient bed of slow words and on the phone Refrain from talking about the type of disease and its deterioration Consult your doctor if necessary Do not give information about the disease to the sick person . Summary in youth and middle age relative to reserve The treasure of love, try to do this in old age Treasure to help you. If the disease is infectious and contagious Low risk is let your grandchildren be sick Kiss and touch them. Talk to them To be played. Let the patient person get bored Enjoy their childish affections and curiosity When you want grandpa and grandma's house Be sure to encourage your children to go Make physical contact with the patient and kiss the patient And let the patient kiss him. Remember your child A warm greeting from your grandparents Do it and wish him health. In many From diseases it is not necessary for those around to remain silent In this case, try a happy and almost full environment And make a noise around your patient and almost Everyone should talk to the patient. In choosing topics Note the memories of joys and successes and goodness The patient is included in them. Remember the patient memories His youth and the loves and laughter and good things that he Do it in relation to you or others. to the Whips her while driving or in other situations Laugh sincerely and in moderation. From his shared memories with Remind the living elders of the family and look for his memories Do not go with dead relatives. With him out of interest in some Talk about food and confess how At a meal the family did not like the food They fed him. Of his special affections for you personally Thank him and kiss him. Summary of the human body in the ages Aging has side effects and this is normal
The story continues

Spouse Challenge 21

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As a result, it causes the patient to sob and cry. Gentlemen in This situation must be dealt with patiently and absolutely Do not do or say anything that offends you mentally or physically Be sick. By following some of the recommendations of the sick lady at home And a little care in doing things can be successful. If the situation Family finances are not enough to hire a nurse The family will be beyond imagination. Now the families that They have a daughter and their situation is better because they have a daughter With his great affection, he regularly visits his parents He takes care of the situation a little. However, in cases of diseases of old age, sacrifice and from Complete self-sacrifice of couples is a necessity and if you are You are in the middle of the road, remember that different tomorrows are over It's our way. Come kindly for those hard days Invest in love and affection. if in One of you's house is sick. He complains of the past Do not be offended, and let your goodness bring him Let go of any sorrow and grief and apologize yourself Open from you. In old age, we do not like many things We all want peace and forgiveness In many cases, for normal people, the past is really the past Many rituals, when a patient You have it at home, put it aside. Leave the patient alone Do not give up. If possible, go to him several times at night Head. With your love, his interest in life will increase And because of your love he suffers less illness It bothers. If your patient sees a doctor Do not criticize the doctor in front of the patient And do not complain about the late recovery of your patient. Seen Patients have been relieved of the suffering of their spouses Nursing God blames his death. Please You treat your patient in such a way that he is ungrateful And asked for his death. Give a little hope to life For the nursing of severe diseases and those who are able
The story continues

Spouse Challenge 20

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Physical illnesses exist for all human beings. Usually Such discomforts appear after the age of fifty In such cases, if the man of the family is ill. It is common Which is nursed in the best way by a woman. And depending on The severity and weakness of the disease, the whole family is affected by the father's disease Placed. Opinion that patient nursing, by the lady of the house Done. The problems are not very obvious and the housewife is struggling Double, try to maintain the atmosphere of the house and provide the best services Has. In such cases, the housewife, if lost Her husband was not satisfied, he forgot everything and was sad Gets sick. Imagine the same visit from month to month or Weekly to the hospital or clinic or doctors' office How hard and time consuming it can be. Now, add work and The plight of children, especially boys. And again Please show the patient's lack of patience and natural nags Perhaps we have reached this point less. Responding to curiosities The sick old man who gets out of the situation several times a day He asks, "It's amazing." Even if the patient does not ask And not to mention that in itself is a cause for concern. Be careful in giving pills and syrups and ... that the mother of the family, should In addition to other tasks to achieve this. here It is not enough to say anything about the efforts of the mother of the family, and this Women take too much trouble for their husbands' health God forbid that the housewife suffers from a physical problem. Really The wheel of the house sleeps. For families who do not have a daughter This is really a big problem. The man of the family who deals with affairs The house is unfamiliar and he has to be present at work every day Be. It makes the patient service situation worse. The man of the house If it is not boring, it will take some time. To deal with Get acquainted (gain, obtain) with present-day techniques that came from Housekeeping. Appearance The house is in disarray in such cases and the man is almost confused Is. Nutritional status of both the patient and the patient at home His wife is awkward. In any case the disease Housewife is usually an irreparable loss. Maybe nursing It looks better on open-minded men, but so does this It has its own issues and is usually not to the liking of the housewife

Spouse Challenge 19

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The situations described are certainly difficult and sometimes impossible They are tolerant but you are given the importance of your goal and necessity Taking care of children and especially success and triumph over the situation Be aware that problems can be solved At the end of this part, I will remind you. In today's situation Society and considering all aspects of the matter we need to accept that the soul And our psyche, like our body, suffers from disease and discomfort. many of Ethical and behavioral problems of people by referring to counselors and psychologists Doctors get up. Let's comment on Psychiatrists and psychiatrists change quickly And at the first opportunity we went to one of these doctors do. Most Iranians are either depressed or depressed And in many cases have suffered a mental explosion Going to a psychiatrist does not mean going crazy If possibly from a personal visit or friendship to such centers We found out that we must encourage them. Believe me If with a camera one day of life and movements and ticks They film us and then we see it realizing the problems We will behave in ourselves. Please consult a neurologist And benefit from their psyche and services Being involved with permanent mental health problems Significantly reduces. It would be nice if we We ourselves are suspicious of having such situations to some degree First of all, be grateful to your spouse under normal circumstances, and if We can feel a little pain with him and a little bit of our own problem Talk to him and the kind of behavior we expect from him Let's express. See a neurologist or Consulting with an expert is far more important than hypocrisy yogurt. We must accept the realities of life instead of others To blame in various ways to try to behave And master our speech and especially our thoughts .. our spouse It is a lady or a gentleman who has shared his life with us and He has the right to feel calm and happy with us Our children need proper comfort and growth under our shadow Think about how our behaviors affect the souls of our children We have a destructive effect. Please improve yourself and your spouse Spend more time with him for all that trouble Thank you so much for enduring our behaviors throughout our lives And most importantly, after overcoming the crisis immediately from Apologize to your spouse. Apologize for treatment and relief It gives a lot of pain.