قدرت سکوت-The power of silence

A ground for the reflection of new ideas

قدرت سکوت-The power of silence

A ground for the reflection of new ideas

Spouse Challenge 38

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A woman to start life in the first stage of relative freedom Lose yourself and then the most important asset of a virgin girl Capital has an uncertain future and is out of the paradise of  father's house Come in front of a dowry that is just a document and the possibility of getting it In times of peace and reconciliation it is almost zero. Another lady girl She does not have single time relationships with her daughter friends and she knows them Which is erased from the memory of friends in a short time. in most cases With the girls are sent impressive dowries that are years old The economy provides for the young family. Sometimes the girl may think What is the need for me to visit my parents and siblings? Get permission from someone. In my opinion, bring girls into new life Far more than boys brought. Now if the man came in and had a job Alimony and livelihood of the lady is not facing problems, but wow On the day when the situation of income and livelihood of the gentleman is messy and weak The biggest and most worthy reward for women, most of whom happen to be from It lasts because it's a beautiful feeling to be a mother. Of course I'm all I did not count the contributions of men and women, but with a careful and deep look We find that a woman's share at the time of material investment And it is much more spiritual at the beginning of life than a man, even if The girl enters the man's life without dowry. Men's work environment can be difficult and exhausting, but usually Not sad and depressed and men with colleagues at the right time They make fun of each other and cheer each other up. But maybe the man in Handicrafts are tired and some are involved in intellectual work. But none It should not be transferred to the housewife and the general condition of the house A man must understand how valuable the expectation of a housewife is And a woman should understand that a man's efforts are due to a man's love and affection for He is. But this understanding is in a sad, tired and bored situation You will never be awkward. Mastering the relationship and softening it And expressing love and affection, especially early in life, is a must Men and sometimes women need to know a few risk factors And the important thing is that their happiness threatens. The first issue is another control Men in particular need to stop controlling things related to women and some Take life items. Women should avoid doubting and controlling their husbands Relationships wash hands. Never doubt and control as a deterrent It does not work well in the behavior of couples and usually makes the situation worse.
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Spouse Challenge 37

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Yes, the fruits of such behaviors may not appear immediately. But at least from The intensity of the say-says decreases. And the path to goodness and goodness It opens and the continuation of this behavior, surely from creating uncomfortable complexes Prevents the future destructive. Let the lady in Be extremely cruel and callous. Cute. And from the ground And time to grieve, slow and you with the artist even bear his insults do. Kill the sweetheart. And love her and know that you are Save your children from many misfortunes. Undoubtedly, marriage and family formation are the most important and biggest events In the life of a girl and a boy. Men have the power to adapt for many reasons With the new conditions more, have. But ladies, less in life Their singleness has undergone changes. And their adaptability It 's down. Now, one or two days after the wedding, the gentleman goes to work And if the lady is a housewife. She stays at home and as before Was at home and alone with an influx of all kinds of thoughts and fantasies and .... She is still waiting for a confrontation with the confidence she still has in her husband She is lively, hopeful and beautiful on the part of her husband Let's calculate what men and women achieved at the time of marriage They bring and what they lose. A man is usually a social prestige and a special personality of married people Gets. Freedom Square and its demands are increasing As the saying goes, the first person lives and has the opportunity to do so Make his fantasies and dreams come true. He is encouraging that Someone is waiting for him at home. And sometimes he remembers that he has to It's to love one person. Apologies to all the ladies From now on, the man has a housekeeper, a cook, and so on He has earned it in return for accepting some commitments. A woman to start life in the first stage of relative freedoms ...
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