قدرت سکوت-The power of silence

A ground for the reflection of new ideas

قدرت سکوت-The power of silence

A ground for the reflection of new ideas

Spouse Challenge 17

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Remarkable content in this situation They are your children. I recommend 100% tolerance for you I have because of the endless arguments about these characteristics The spouse harms the souls of the children and puts them in a situation Escape from everything. Never from the mental state of the spouse Do not complain to your children or even protest They gently use this situation as an excuse to acquit your spouse bring. As much as you can from telling this situation to the family Refrain yourself and do not make the bad conditions of such a life worse You can talk about the situation resulting from your spouse's stinginess Kindness and patience and slow tolerance slowly take him away from miserliness Explain to him, presumably, the need to buy a device and try Convince him. Of course, you will not be very successful in the first session But as the conversation progresses, you can change the status quo If you can identify the stingy roots in him, it will be easier to treat him Becomes. Remember not to blame him for being stingy, and probably Do not blame him for this. Gain financial independence It is good for these people. Can be like a contractor with He, enter into a deal and spend the living with him. And suppose First, get the full moon from him, of course, with what policy And technically, you will do it will be effective in your victory If you can afford it, ask him for more than he can afford Do not have. And in such cases, leave several sessions to slowly You can convince him. Your current situation, living with such Personal is hard, but not tragic. A little tolerance on the part You can sweeten other aspects of your life. try Give her a good gift for different occasions. You can with Adopting the right fiscal policies has earned his trust and made him tired And reduce Spiteful people certainly inflict serious harm on others in addition to themselves They usually enter. Usually, being accompanied by their malice calms them down It does not and their resentment flares up. Behavior in such a situation The wife should be in such a way that the arrow of resentment does not point at her Occasional talk and the need for forgiveness may work If your spouse resents someone, you are wary of relationships Be yourself and always ask your spouse about the relationship Get permission. Sometimes because of your spouse's resentment Open a complaint and the deprivation caused by this state, he Listen. Usually the first to be resentful They actually become your parents, brothers, sisters, current and Or they are greedy. Maybe these grudges are due to financial differences Be with your family and others about your parents ...
The story continues

Spouse Challenge 16

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Persistent mental disorders include jealousy — low self-esteem Stinginess - Narrow eyes - Resentment - Harassment - Anger and ... In these cases, too, it is better to be diagnosed before marriage For example, with purposeful conversations, some of these problems can be addressed Realized. Usually, premarital calls should be recognized Deep the opposite side, become. You can not love and express it Guarantee a good and secure future. You can with Consult with older and more experienced people and express the behavior and ethics of the party Find out the angles of his mood. Usually optimism They had unknown consequences before marriage. Really imagine A lifetime of living with people with mental retardation It is hard and exhausting. Now if you are in the next time of marriage, and decide to separate No, the following may be helpful. Talk as much as you can about mental health problems Avoid the side --- You can consult and in this regard Specialist doctors, get help. Help yourself If, for example, he is jealous. In places that arouse his jealousy Do not cut in front of him about the good situation of others and compare your own life Do not talk to others. Always be ready for the good in life Make yourself reasonably big. Behaviors that provoke Others and attract the attention of others. Do not do it at all If you have children always Describe your child's beauty, health, intelligence, and goodness And in short, try to fill his environment with good things as much as possible do. In the face of his jealousy, be more silent and judge him Do not and do not tell him do not be jealous. Someone who is stingy has strange characteristics, he wants That is, no one has anything. Black day itself He wishes for everyone and is always in pain. About this Individuals The only way out is psychological therapy and should be See a specialist. Consultants are also practical solutions They offer it to you, but know that there is never a fire of stinginess and jealousy in the soul People will not be turned off. Remarkable content in this situation

Spouse Challenge 15

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But in some cases it is really possible for the parties to tolerate There is no such thing as bad foot odor or bad breath. I have a question What have the loved ones who have this problem really done? Whatever I thought, I did not succeed in these two cases Bad feet can be reduced by rinsing, but really bad breath It is a tragedy. Of course, perhaps this problem can really be solved today If so, accept this expense and for sure See your doctor for bad breath Another stable situation is the wife snoring. This problem Not very common in young people, but mature after middle age A man comes. First of all, a donkey is a dangerous person and a sign It has respiratory, cardiovascular and other diseases In this situation, notice the other person is not really small. Snoring people fall asleep early and snoring They start now with their spouse, who may need it early in the morning Go to work or a mother who has to give birth early in the morning Take care of yourself or is tired of constant daily work How desperate he can be with this armpit voice Sleep. Sometimes waiting for a change in a person's situation with false hope He falls asleep that maybe he makes a mistake and his voice is cut off There are some who, if they go to bed They can no longer sleep. So you noticed, continue How much can you tolerate this situation even for three consecutive nights it's impossible. First of all, it is good for treating donkeys See a doctor .. in the next degree if there are possibilities Is separating the bedrooms. Without feeling God Emotional Divorce. This separation is forced and in order to rest And the comfort of the parties. Because it is possible sometimes because Cut off the snoring sound of the side, touch him and Let's wake him up. These awakenings cause discomfort and insomnia He also becomes. So sleeping separately is the best way to overcome It is difficult to come ... of course, some couples because of continuity Snores get used to it and easily with music until morning Donkeys rest. Sometimes both sides of the donkey They say that in this case, the winner is the one who sleeps earlier a slave. Other stable situations concern the body of the person Heart, kidney, and sometimes stomach, liver, and diabetes Complications in the youth of many people are not known, but They appear little after the age of thirty. These complications Do not harass the other party The unhappy person of his sick wife also feels unhappy As a result, the couple's children become sad and upset In such cases, grief and creating a happy atmosphere and Promising helps the parties to some difficulties To deal with existing.If the patient's discomfort is high He may also be impatient and nervous. Then your love and perseverance can help Effectively tolerate him. Because there is no argument in Cases of such complications do not really help the patient recover Therefore, it is possible to adopt peaceful methods of color and smell of life Improve yourself. Anxiety and sometimes frustration of the sick person In many cases, it diminishes life due to its own complication And family members are waiting desperately for death Members of such families are likely to be happy and traveling And do not plan a picnic and do less The duty of older family members is that despite the illness of Do not neglect joyful and hopeful issues and help each other Tolerate the problems of such diseases. A point here I would like to say that in addition to its connection with this issue to the whole Our lives are relevant too .... if you are not able to Find happiness in your home and feel it Nowhere in the world and with no one else able to find You will not be happy. Feel the happiness in the corners of this house that you and Your loved ones are there. Hardships more or less It exists in all kinds of lives. You try too With sacrifice and family privacy a special kind of happiness Find yourself at home. Usually spread diseases In the early and middle stages, there is no need for special nursing They do not have that this is a chance in itself. But the patient because he is aware of his illness every day and Whenever it is necessary to strengthen the spirit in this case A wise and calm wife can remove the stain of sadness from her face Let his wife die with encouragement and love.

Spouse Challenge 14

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In case of fluid and temporary conditions, sufficient width Now I'm going to talk about permanent situations And let me present some cases. First, I define permanent and permanent complications. All hereditary physical complications Or chronic --- all physical defects of the body such as short stature — left eye Persistent bad breath — and ... we call it persistent conditions Having certain moral qualities such as jealousy — blind prejudice Stinginess --- Narrow-eyedness - Resentment --- Selfishness --- Stubbornness and .. I call it stable mental states In the case of physical defects and complications, it was necessary before marriage We realized them now that for whatever reason these shortcomings exist There is a special solution in our life that you have to think about. If to Divorce and separation because of these shortcomings do not think so should Convince yourself in some way and try to deal with these problems little by little Come along. About the existence of such defects in your spouse Do not feel empty and small and with magnanimity even to your spouse Make sure you accept him in the same situation You will try to feel happy with him And make him really happy..sometimes together and in peace Talk about her physical problems Ask about this ... in front of the comments of others and even himself The case of such failures with courage, strength of heart and love for him Defend. Never let him notice discouragement or boredom You tell her about her discomfort. Tell yourself if there is a place We exchanged with him the way I treat him I behaved. It is important here if time to a good atmosphere And you got it right to really ask yourself this question Do not say that I did it only honestly and calmly And kindly ask him if two people change our place You could have stayed at my feet..please wait for the answer or the reaction Don't be. After a while, say what you stayed or did not stay

Spouse Challenge 13

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Of course, it is certain that these statements if They are used to make spouses interested in continuing their lives Otherwise, in the case of the decision to separate, I said in this case as well One can decide to separate in a calm state without Raised tensions. Change my suggested status to reach To relative calm and achieve new frontiers of power and competence You and it is enough that you with a little kindness and aspect and thinking Face different situations. Note that the issue of right and wrong has no role in changing situations Raising the issue of rights in a critical situation is helpful No, maybe it will ruin the situation even more. If you want a change Create a situation It should not matter to you who is right Let me give you an example: At noon on Ashura, Imam Hussein (AS) was completely right But having this right did not prevent the neck from being amputated. In all areas The right does not apply much. Maybe if you are right and wrong Go through many solutions that come to your mind. Repeat again There is no way to solve the crisis in the current situation at once does not have . We should only be slow about minor changes in the status quo Let's take action. Sometimes some methods say that we have to take the basic factors Note that this situation has been created. Please pay attention to The factors that make up the situation are the work of specialists. While we took We are currently in an unpleasant situation. So I'm analyzing Existing hypotheses I have suggested perhaps the most practical solution. You In the critical moments of the current situation, it is not necessary to think about the basic factors Keep yourself busy. Better a poor horse than no horse at all Find out and be aware of the creature and then master it with composure and composure Towards doing things that can little by little make the status quo Decide to change and act slowly and with confidence . Let me remind you that your logic, and not at all Logically can not change the status quo. The only way, find the way True to change the status quo. But if you follow logic Miss yourself or basically any rational go precious opportunities You will give. About the need for successive, slow and continuous changes You may need your past experiences, but more work than experience In such cases, your awareness that if you are aware, you can From the signs that are found in the situation, the next way to change continues