قدرت سکوت-The power of silence

A ground for the reflection of new ideas

قدرت سکوت-The power of silence

A ground for the reflection of new ideas

Spouse Challenge 12

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You try the current situation First adjust and then in relative calm the decision to separate Express yourself or listen to her decision to separate In the nervous state and difficulty of the current situation Your party will assume your decision out of anger And does not understand it. But if in a better position Tell him your decision, he will understand more Or you find yourself in an uncontrolled situation And you do not get what you want. Especially if you decide He is a separation, you feel that in that heated state The world is over for you and you feel defeat and frustration He shakes your hand. Believe me, we do not have to try in every situation Correct our habits, behavior, etc., especially In nervous conditions, the function generally deteriorates In any situation you are in, first try to get to the situation The creature has mastered and calmly settled the differences between us Take things in stride and try not focus too much on the problem Consider, if you are interested in continuing your life Whether we are or continue to be friends is important to us Learn to change in difficult situations How to act. Patience and endurance are promising Futures are better and more logical. Sometimes it may continue Some situations improve spouses towards The situation is pessimistic and frustrated. If this frustration still We have not reached the decision of separation, we can pay special attention to The subject of changing the status quo between the two, to awareness Find something new about ourselves and our spouse that they can Help us in our new decision to continue living a good life We may think the other person does not understand the language (sorry) Be. Meanwhile, finally a situation in between That you can make changes to, and

Spouse Challenge 11

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In my opinion, changing individuals, whether in part or in general, is a pressure minister Put them to change possible behavior Or at least I have nothing to do with this analysis I do not have. So our first and second factors will remain unchanged And they can be considered as they are Let's take. But the third factor, which is the "situation", is severe And it can be changed quickly. A skilled wife It is necessary in the face of any situation With the first accurate insight, assess the current situation and keep in mind Find the way to possible changes. Sometimes it is possible Given the history of the previous situation, a good way to Do not reach the mind or be disappointed in any way Be. We must know that some situations continue What happened is impossible and the parties involved They are under a lot of pressure. In this case the person It can not be a complete solution and a decision that everyone End the story, get it. Press the situation at any moment Excess on the brain and nerves is more and more likely This pressure has also affected other situations between us. And destroy them as well. Suppose about the subject a There are problems, but it is possible to continue the conversation and conflict Is the state of mode (b) and even more so And add to the complexity of the subject. At this point one From the parties who feel more in control of the situation And he still has a little peace, he must be confident and walk Take immediate action to make minor changes to the situation Someone who wants to change the status quo needs It has capacity and a little kindness is needed. For conversations It should not be towards the other side. That is, in those difficult circumstances Ask us to think or accept or calm down Take it or, God forbid, say you do not understand - you do not understand --Always the same --- I'm tired - All these statements the current situation We are going to change the situation Not in this difficult opportunity, seeking to change beliefs And be the character and performance of our side. Must be hard and careful Be careful of the current situation and find the nuances And even encouraging the slight changes in the status quo Let's take action. I do not like to make this assumption,

Spouse Challenge 10

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We are now married and faced with one or more of the factors I mentioned earlier In such cases, any action from any person and in different situations It may happen. Some by accepting their spouse's problems to the end They endure the condition of life and may even live and continue Make them feel happy with their spouse. That in many This is the case. In some cases, spouses try Reaching a point of equilibrium with a negative balance means that one starts Makes count the faults of the other side and the other his faults Mutually counts and then according to the set of flaws to life Subscribe and continue whenever life for one He struggled to relieve himself by re-expressing his wife's flaws In some cases, spouses prefer to separate And in many cases the spouses suffer emotional divorce and each One continues their emotional life and this is possible The situation will continue for the rest of their lives. Considering the The above possibilities give me an overview of the situation And the possibility of reaching a positive equilibrium point and possibly continuing I draw the sweet life for you. No advice I have no life and do not shy away from advising The following content is merely an impartial analysis There are three factors in a life or mutual friendship He has - one himself, the second his wife and the third that much Also important is the "status" between them.

Spouse Challenge9

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Overeating people soon lose their core body composition They become fat and make a living out of grace and beauty People who are undernourished or malnourished you from They deprive you of the pleasure of eating, which is also very beautiful and important And life can get cold and dull Because one way to get rid of turbidity is to eat one Eat well together in a restaurant or at home Poor people are deprived of this blessing

Spouse Challenge 8

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There is no cure if the feet or mouth or the whole body smells bad And over time, it will cause you constant annoyance A number of diseases such as diabetes are inherited Marry someone with a family history of diabetes Your children get diabetes. So do some From cardiovascular diseases. You are free to ride today You are on your own destiny, but tomorrow if you are not careful You will be involved in various diseases of your loved ones Find out if people in a family have or have diabetes Other problems and diseases are not very difficult. With a few questions The issue can be understood calmly and in a timely manner Behavioral changes are impossible in many people Do not pay too much attention to promises, to conscious behaviors and Unknowingly pay attention to your side. Know that this type of behavior He will stay with her for the rest of his life Roughness and crooked nails are signs of kidney disease Be careful of side nails and a history of kidney disease Ask questions in the family Blood diseases with paleness and shortness of breath Be sure to go to the mountains with him and along the way Pay close attention to him. Living with fanatics and strict people is right It is as if your heart is tightly closed in the middle of a fist Hold and increase the pressure every moment. Pressure of prejudice It will squeeze all your soul into the grip Never live with your vulgar people to the point where you can At that point, he made a decision or made a decision You will not reach and always in such lives everything in everyone Unfortunately, in some cities of our country, the dominant culture The culture is patriarchal and you can not easily The effects of this culture are erased from the mind and soul of the party do. Of course, women belonging to this culture are also the standards of patriarchy And their husband is their whole life Digestive problems are a consequence of neurological problems And such side effects indicate that we are with a nervous person We face and in some cases if an inherited problem It does not indicate malnutrition or alcohol consumption
