قدرت سکوت-The power of silence

A ground for the reflection of new ideas

قدرت سکوت-The power of silence

A ground for the reflection of new ideas

Spouse Challenge 37

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Yes, the fruits of such behaviors may not appear immediately. But at least from The intensity of the say-says decreases. And the path to goodness and goodness It opens and the continuation of this behavior, surely from creating uncomfortable complexes Prevents the future destructive. Let the lady in Be extremely cruel and callous. Cute. And from the ground And time to grieve, slow and you with the artist even bear his insults do. Kill the sweetheart. And love her and know that you are Save your children from many misfortunes. Undoubtedly, marriage and family formation are the most important and biggest events In the life of a girl and a boy. Men have the power to adapt for many reasons With the new conditions more, have. But ladies, less in life Their singleness has undergone changes. And their adaptability It 's down. Now, one or two days after the wedding, the gentleman goes to work And if the lady is a housewife. She stays at home and as before Was at home and alone with an influx of all kinds of thoughts and fantasies and .... She is still waiting for a confrontation with the confidence she still has in her husband She is lively, hopeful and beautiful on the part of her husband Let's calculate what men and women achieved at the time of marriage They bring and what they lose. A man is usually a social prestige and a special personality of married people Gets. Freedom Square and its demands are increasing As the saying goes, the first person lives and has the opportunity to do so Make his fantasies and dreams come true. He is encouraging that Someone is waiting for him at home. And sometimes he remembers that he has to It's to love one person. Apologies to all the ladies From now on, the man has a housekeeper, a cook, and so on He has earned it in return for accepting some commitments. A woman to start life in the first stage of relative freedoms ...
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Spouse Challenge 36

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In my opinion, in the first years of life, the command of life is completely in control Gentlemen. And they are fully responsible for the occurrence of any event And they should know about their possible shortcomings in keeping the center warm The family has great and terrible effects. Which is a glimpse of it before I did. Gentlemen of logic, philosophy and memories, and especially the issue of right and wrong And even the right and wrong topics, fill in the blanks. From confusion Avoid the environment in between. And one word, don't forget the subject at all And imagine. That you have not entered into a common life. More in the time of friendship Ninety percent of the time, unaware of your girlfriend's affairs You were. And for whatever reason, you believed what he said. Quickly towards emotions The time of your friendship returned and the issue of controlling the situation as a whole forget. You are able to control, especially in critical situations you are not. And every moment will cause separation and distance, for reasons Do not pay attention to the problem. Be careful and try to find the atmosphere between and Soften the status quo. Be sure time for a better plan And the more appropriate the subject will be. Most ladies encounter with Critical situations, especially early in life, are so-called locked. But They never admit it themselves. And not you Bring it on them too. The most correct reaction in times Splitting, reassuring yourself and then your wife is still him You love, you still love living with him, more than anything Make sure. That you have no ill intentions or bad judgments about him And you worry that he is upset. And propose together To places you have fond memories of. go. Please go to the parents' house And friends of both sides do not go. To a cafe, restaurant, park Go. Sir, imagine that he has just become interested in this lady and wants her in his heart He should open a place for himself. Recall the initiatives of single time And act. And he should know that it is possible. Generally these actions result in a quick result Do not have. Yes, the fruits of such behaviors may not appear immediately. But at least from The intensity of the say-says decreases. And the path to goodness and goodness
The story continues

Spouse Challenge 35

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I am very concerned about the issues and problems of ladies who are outdoors They are employed. I'm not in and I'm currently trying to find the ladies To portray the housewife to some extent. Miss after an hour or two The gentleman wakes up and tries to do his homework Take care. Probably a few phone calls to your family and friends And receive information from family events, hours of his time Fills. At the same time, spend some time visiting the media Collectively, it arrives. This is a daily task, especially the repetition of the situation It may make him less bored. Sir, who is tired and exhausted from She comes home and has expectations. This gentleman from the spirit of the lady who from What factors have affected you so far this morning, unaware or It is careless. On the other hand, a little and a deficit in the reception and reception By the lady and on the other hand, the gentleman's inattention to the mental state A lady who may be affected by bad news from her family, or It is his nostalgia. They get upset with each other and after a while This situation also raises the issue between them. Believe me Quite small and seemingly insignificant factors that are caused by emotions Paradoxical in the presence of weight man. It can cause the accumulation of pain And failures in the minds of both parties. Emotional mismatch Which is usually more visible in women than men. And you do not know Controlling the situation, which is the duty of gentlemen anyway. Causes of annoyance And he feels dissatisfied in their lives. Usually gentlemen at a time Who are interested in a girl. Relying on all kinds of jokes They win the girl's heart. And become friends with him and maybe later with Marry each other. But baby reason, gentlemen after marriage from Such power and attraction and death and distance, distance and all enchantment Lose. It 's really surprising How can a girl's supposedly one or two years after dating and marriage Solve the disappearance of all this feeling in her husband. Before the acquaintance and friendship of the lady girl with a feminine and delicate feeling She cheers on the boy and invisibly attracts him he does. And at the time of friendship with beautiful girly works and attracting each The more a man strengthens the strings of friendships towards himself. To work Get married. Congratulations, but why these arts quickly after marriage And the attractions are forgotten by the ladies. This is a matter for consideration. In my opinion, in the first years of life, the command of life is completely in control Gentlemen. And they are fully responsible for the occurrence of any event And they should know about their possible shortcomings in keeping the center warm The family has great and terrible effects. Which is a glimpse of it before

Spouse Challenge 34

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Do not give reasons why it is not possible to do this or you for some reason Or you do not do this because of some background or because of some person When his words are over. Ask him about some Do not ask questions in his remarks. He tolerates no misunderstanding on the part You do not have. Because you have listened well and given consideration Intimacy with your spouse. Remember immediately and Do not promise him at all. You may not be able to do as you say And given your current difficult situation, it may be a problem Do not really notice. So by saying the word eye and reassuring That I will try. Try to bring the status quo back to normal Think a little and if your content was correct and acceptable without To look for the culprit. Review the whole issue for yourself Summarize the content and suggest a conversation the next day. Of course Add a little love and spice to your wish. And content That you have summarized. Express. And if your party is satisfied with the result Catch and design the theme by you, now about the options available Execute, make promises. Finally, ask on your behalf Conversations should be a little restrained and not go to a negative balance. and if The plot raises the issue of defense and the possibility of a new conflict Go. Immediately skip the subject. And please do so this way Continue. To make sure you are arguing and say no you are not. One of the things that helps you is my suggested method Perform better --- do not be between yourself first --- second yourself and your side Do not judge --- Third, avoid speculating about the future Remembering and mentioning the history of such conflicts and repeating behaviors Keep the other person's past in mind. If your side It has a low transmission speed. Let him digest your content You are slow in your speech and in a hurry do. I am very concerned about the issues and problems of ladies who are outdoors They are employed. I'm not in and I'm currently trying to find the ladies To portray the housewife to some extent. Miss after an hour or two The gentleman wakes up and tries to do his homework ...

Spouse Challenge 33

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If we expect that somehow Special welcome from us is useless. In the first two years of its formation The family, the level of expectations of the man, should be kept to a minimum Do not kiss your lady. Do not bring it on yourself at all. You are him Kiss her and tell her I'm tired. In any situation To the future and the type of behavior of your wife and especially that she to this behavior Get used to it, do not think. Hope you are loving and understanding Ms. Morale can gradually turn both herself and her towards behaviors Be honest and loving, guide One of the most dangerous and frustrating methods in conversations and Arguments and ... the method of balance is negative. Negative balance means You point out a small flaw on the side. And your side Instead of hearing and thinking about that defect, immediately get a defect from It turns you on. And you, without a little patience, one flaw You turn him on. It doesn't take minutes The fault of the sides falls on the circle. And both are angry and possible Is to work in narrow places, to kill. Really if at the time of relaxation think. How is that possible. You are with someone who has it all There is something wrong with living. You will hate yourself The best way if your side for any reason Silence and tolerance. Avoid creating a negative balance do. I know how loving it can be in a situation The size is hard and exhausting, but you yourself first and then Have mercy on your spouse and then on your children and be silent. Simply put, please be deaf. Let the nervous volcano Calm your side. And you relax a little and Re-evaluate the situation briefly and quickly And find your weaknesses and flaws in this encounter And kindly ask your partner to be calm, and in the face Interest if he likes to take his problem with you once again Express and you really listen. Interrupt him Do not disagree with him in critical moments. Reason Do not say that it is not possible to do this or you for some reason
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