قدرت سکوت-The power of silence

A ground for the reflection of new ideas

قدرت سکوت-The power of silence

A ground for the reflection of new ideas

Spouse Challenge 32

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Now your blood with several types of hormones and the body Which is going through a bad situation. What a reaction Can update? You too if the idiot is almost gentle Be and do not decide. To stretch the subject. Frustrated and upset and hopeless, you sink into yourself And you usually try. Forget the subject altogether Now if you calm down, come together Let's go through these events — you must first have a solid reason Have that reason you can and need to know the problem Outside the home and usually completely, yourself, in the environment Family. Second. You need to know enough about desire and interest and ability Have your spouse and know what his or her reaction will be next Upon hearing this, it will be updated. I write about what happened to me personally. When I was single, I had a 4.5-bullet Diana rifle Two or three days after returning from the honeymoon and settling in I picked up a gun and a shotgun and went hunting for sparrows And I hunted a few sparrows — hunting and eating sparrows and whatever Animals and halal food were not forbidden in our family and were very normal And it was normal. I entered the house and dropped the hunted sparrows On the sink - Suddenly my wife screamed so hard and started to cry. My wife's family loved birds alive Even during the years we lived in Dezful. My wife never Did not allow. That of the sparrows that are there in abundance in the market Cleaned and ready to use. When we enter the house, we should be happy, encouraging and thankful, Let there be an idiot waiting for us. If Ms. Bahr welcomed in any way We love him more clearly and better. If we expect him to be somehow
The story continues

Spouse Challenge 31

نتایج ترجمه

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Even if the result of the comparison is in the lady's favor. The impact of movies and series In the spirit of women, in general, their influence on men is different Especially in films that are explicitly or ironically Men's behavior is criticized and slandered. Gentlemen, rest assured After watching such movies and lectures like this in Meetings and parties, you must be under the magnifying glass of women Maybe they recognize a sign of those issues in you. The successful man must know that the weakest and least effective action, Giving verbal guidance and, in principle, directional speech If the man repeats the best educational words for the lady It has very, very little effect. Now if with grievous words Or violent and cold, the man speaks to his account with The scribe is the scribe. Women at different ages have different capacities Of course, men may be somewhat like that, but This difference in capacity is not noticeable in men. Sure gentlemen Be ladies can not reach more than thirty years of age - Boredom-interest-curiosity-and ... about problems and heartache You from the workplace, socio-economic status, welfare, etc. Do not have. Remember that when you say such things You have two types of pain. First, the bitter feelings of events They are revived in your mind. And your existence is inevitably the same The biological reaction, which took place at the time of the accident and Or has the emergence of a thought and ...., repeats again And many hormones are secreted in your blood In disbelief, he realized his situation Cold or indifferent and sometimes Ms. protest You will. Now your blood with several types of hormones and the body Which is going through a bad situation. What a reaction
The story continues

Spouse Challenge 30

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Women often find it difficult to distance themselves from their family atmosphere And they will always remember that Baba's house was a paradise. And they usually are In front of their parents, they were free and happy, every day Breakfast - lunch - dinner and he was invited to attend Bring to eat. Of course, sometimes, washing dishes and Sweeping and cooking and helping to entertain guests But in every way, it was dad،paradises house, if not misis They knew what marriage meant, they never agreed to marry Sometimes it is seen that this longing for his father's house, to the end Omar did not abandon women and always lived and existed They have looked at him with contempt. Now this lady girl changes her situation in a short time and She can be a housewife and she has to make a living. Naturally and stress And reacted to the slightest incident Defensive mode takes over. The man of the house must have experience Diversity in your community and work environment. But to this point He does not notice that he could not expect so much from a young lady Be. The man thinks that this woman is legally my wife So he should act according to custom, like a wife. But in fact All the feelings of the lady, influenced by recent events and changes in the living environment Completely messed up and maybe necessary. Man for a long time, to His wife calmed him down and helped him in everything It provided a good mood and atmosphere for him. A man of time Succeeds that, instead of criticizing and judging (even rightly and correctly) In the case of his wife, by understanding her mental and emotional state, behavior Slowly Not at all to the small and superficial behaviors that upset the spouse He did not pay attention to her need to be confident in the new home environment And that her husband loves her, to reach. And in any case, before Find out if the spouse's emotional state and if he or she has It was worry and anxiety or any unusual state. Introduce Subject, refrain. A successful man, never his wife He does not compare with any other woman, especially his mother and sister.
The story continues

Spouse Challenge 29

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He does not know why he heard the right words, madam He did not go, and perhaps absolutely, he lost his temper and sometimes went ahead A friend or family member complains about their family situation To some extent, it does. The man goes back to his past, but Will not be able to identify the roots of the tragedy. To Man, the subject of friendly and normal relationships and marriage for a long time Ahead, gone and the man can not. The root of the problems and especially Recognize your contribution to these events. He can not recognize either Accept. Who could not succeed in reaching an understanding with his wife And gradually, to misunderstanding and living in misunderstanding and mismanagement, Accustomed. The man has not been able to prepare the important and vital moments that his wife Recognize listening and constructive dialogue. The man is like His wife, influenced by prejudices - beliefs - pride - type of upbringing and Economic and social problems and to some extent religious, before Take advantage of the conversation and seize the opportunities Destroyed. They are looking for their current problems Have and do not think in vain, and the dangerous fruit of their behavior In the future, they have been unaware. I have no knowledge. Victims of this situation There are so many in society, that if we look a little closer We can identify many examples. Women often find it difficult to distance themselves from their family atmosphere And they will always remember that Baba's house was a paradise. And they usually are In front of their parents, they were free and happy, every day
The story continues

Spouse Challenge 28

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The emptiness of the father's love and supervision is always felt in the child's heart. Losing control and guidance of children around the age of eight The mother is out. And maybe mothers can do it with a little more attention and love Continue to control the child until the age of ten. But imagine that kid He was constantly involved in a lack of love, and on the other hand, in the midst of his father's differences And the mother was able to score points as well. And probably a sexual experience as well Found. How can he give in to control and training? And do not be rebellious. From the age of ten, the child's dependence on the family gradually disappears. But Because he has not reached the level of ability to live independently. Up to fourteen Fifteen years old, too, endures indifference at home. And less to He reacts to his parents' struggles. Of course the family situation Defines for your friends. And probably between a few peers And both classmates find sympathy. Joint pain brings intimacy Between children, and from now on, children are influenced by the thoughts and actions of friends Itself, is placed. And seriously criticize his parents, especially his father will pay. It may be interesting to note that at this point, the subject of parental criticism of Together, they have intensified and are responsible for the child's upbringing and behavior On the contrary, they throw. Most likely. That this marital status to In physical conflicts, reach. If the child is a boy. And physically Has grown. He may get involved with his father in defense of his mother. After this stage, men usually worry about the well-being of the behavior in general The child does not express his past and other benevolence, and in some They predict difficult and bad future for their child. open Previously, the child's mother was introduced as responsible for his nonsensical future, and now from This is when the father begins to say, "Yes, as I said," he was seen And this, now the views, added to the previous controversy May be. At this stage it is very normal, friends and family of the couple Who are aware of the family's troubles and their child's behavior. They cut off family ties and travel. To their children under Do not be influenced by the behavior of the child of this family. At this point, the mortals He is anxious and nervous, and that some of his predictions are true He is upset. He does not know why he heard the right words, madam
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